Legacy Leadership, LLC, 2015      All Rights Reserved

Legacy Leadership, LLC
 (843) 842-2339


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In the long history of attempts to integrate the United States military in various ways, perhaps no experience or initiative assumed nearly the prominence and significance of the Tuskegee Experiment.  The training of African-American pilots was a conciliatory response to mounting public scrutiny of the separate and unequal treatment of Blacks in the military in the early years of World War II.  Relegated to training at an airfield in Tuskegee, Alabama, long the home of a segregated Black college, these pioneers in the Army Air Corps quickly accumulate undeniable evidence of their ability and outstanding qualifications as pilots.  They will eventually be the source of the squadron selected to guard strategic bombing missions deep into the German heartland due to their skill as combat aviators.

This program will use the story of the Tuskegee Airmen to explore the dynamics and leadership issues related to embracing diversity and creating an inclusive culture in the contemporary business environment.  Its purpose is to challenge and support corporate leaders to actively engage elements of diversity in an inclusive and deliberate fashion to improve performance capability.  The program will provide a shared frame of reference and language for action, and participants will leave better able to serve as active leaders for corporate diversity goals.

The Leadership Experience

Case studies will focus on Colonel Benjamin Davis and his unwavering dedication to the goal of equality of opportunity regardless of color, Judge William Hastie and his sense of accountability in risking his prominence and reputation for the sake of a greater cause, Doctor Vance Marchbanks and his courage in opposing and changing the medical education practices which meant Blacks were excluded from the required schooling to serve as flight surgeons, and General Noel Parrish for his innovative policy changes and unselfish championing of African American pilot capabilities at the risk of his personal safety and ostracism by his fellow General officers.

The leadership lessons and practices related to harnessing diversity and leading in an inclusive manner which the program will bring into focus include:

 Direction setting and obtaining ownership of end goals in an aligned manner

 Connecting power and potential in identifying and selecting talent

 Modeling the responsible elevation of issues that may be labeled “taboo” or “politically incorrect” for the culture of the time

 Mentoring and sponsoring in an inclusive manner as a culture shaping influence

 Innovation and risk-taking at the potential cost of personal benefit or reputation

 Choosing the harder “right”

 This program is ideally delivered as a full-day seminar, but four to five hour versions can be custom   developed to fit available agenda blocks of time.  Original audio, video clips, modern movie clips and tactical maps will be used to help simulate an experiential understanding of the environment.

Coaching & Assessment


Aligned & Integrated Services

Tuskegee Airmen
Leadership Experience

On Location Programs

Client Site Programs
